Simon Super Lapin - Bonus Vidéos
Mon Stage
Thursday February 6, after a storyboard lesson, during which our storyboard for the film "Erreur de Jugement" was completely rearranged and turned upside down, I went to the Gare de Lyon, where I met the other LISAA students, in order to take a train to Lausanne, Switzerland, city where the Ceruleum school is located.
I took advantage of the (long) trip to update the production follow-up of my graduation film, as everyd production manager would do, which kept me busy a long part of the trip, because of the many changes of the morning.
We arrived at Lausanne station and were greeted by the students of the Ceruleum school. After getting to know each other, we left our things at the hotel (4 stars) booked by LISAA, and we went to eat pizzas. And very fortunately, we managed to negotiate two pizzas for the price of one, which saved us from paying 25 euros FOR one pizza.
Friday morning, after breakfast at the hotel, we went to the Céruleum school, which we visited. The weather was fine that day, which, it seems, is quite rare there, so we went for a walk in the city, as well as on the shores of the lake.
At 1 p.m., we returned to school and formed teams, mixing LISAA, Céruleum, and Hoschschule Luzern's students.
Les épisodes
J'ai participé à la réalisation et finalisation de 3 épisodes bonus, disponibles sur la chaîne youtube de Simon Super Lapin, toutes faisant parties de la playlist "Apprends avec Simon"
J'ai également réalisé plusieurs gifs et stickers, tous présents sur la page giphy de simon super rabbit, au côtés des gifs réalisés par les autres stagiaires:
J'ai aussi eu l'occasion de réaliser des gifs pour la série Zip Zip, aussi réalisée par GO-N Productions, qui sont également visibles sur leur page Giphy